Avis d’Appel a Candidatures pour la sélection et la formation en alternance de 50 Jeunes camerounais entre le Centre Multifonctionnel de Promotion des Jeunes (CMPJ) régional de New-Bell Douala, et des centres de formation ou des entreprises en République Fédérale d’Allemagne, partenaires à la convention de partenariat multipartite entre le MINJEC, German Business Center HIMA Cameroon et l’ONG My Africa eV Germany
Call for Application For the selection and training of 50 young Cameroonian between the regional multi-purpose Youth Empowerment centre (MYEC) of New-Bell Douala, and training centre or companies in the Federal Republic of Germany, partners in the Multiparty partnership agreement signed between the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Civic Education, German Business Center HIMA Cameroon and the NGo My Africa eV Germany
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