Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeSTAGEProgrammes de stage à la BAD 2024 – Session 2

Programmes de stage à la BAD 2024 – Session 2

  • Position Title: 2024 Internship Program – Session 2
  • Where: Chosen applicants will be assigned to different Departments at the Main Office (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire), as well as at the Bank’s Regional and Country Offices. Nevertheless, interns selected will engage in their internship either through remote work or on-site, contingent upon the requirements of their respective hiring units.
  • Posted On: April 24, 2024
  • Closing On: May 07, 2024

The Institution:

Founded in 1964, the African Development Bank stands as the foremost continental development organization, fostering economic advancement and societal improvement throughout Africa. With 81 member nations, encompassing 54 within Africa (Regional Member Countries), the Bank champions a developmental agenda that provides financial and technical backing for transformative endeavors aimed at substantially diminishing poverty through inclusive and sustainable economic expansion. To sharply delineate the objectives of the Ten-Year Strategy (2023 – 2032) and ensure heightened developmental efficacy, five key domains, all geared towards expediting our contributions to Africa, have been pinpointed for amplification: energy, agro-business, industrialization, integration, and enhancing the quality of life for Africa’s populace. The Internship initiative constitutes a component of a broader Talent Management Framework, which streamlines the Bank’s efforts in executing the Ten-Year Strategy and the High 5s.

Entrants into the Program are chosen through a competitive process, aligned with the Bank’s operational requisites.


  1. Facilitate students in acquiring professional and hands-on experience at the African Development Bank.
  2. Cultivate a pool of potential candidates for future recruitment endeavors within the Bank.

However, it’s important for applicants to understand that the internship does not guarantee immediate employment with the Bank.

Fields of Study Required for the Internship:

  1. The fields of study eligible for internship selection should fall within the job families of the Bank, particularly Economics, Agriculture, Private Sector Development, Human Capital Development (Education and Health), Environment, Finance, Infrastructure Development, Human Resources Management, Information Technology, Communications, Law, Internal Audit, Budget, Governance, or any other discipline deemed relevant to the Bank’s operations.
  2. Priority consideration will be given to students engaged in projects directly aligned with the Bank’s mission.

Timeline for Session 2 of the 2024 Internship Program:

Commencement of Session 2 for the 2024 Internship Program is scheduled for July 2024.

Terms and Conditions

  1. Duration of Internships:
    Internships will span a minimum of three (3) months and a maximum of six (6) months per candidate. Each candidate is eligible for internship once only.
  2. Work Arrangements:
    Selected interns may work either remotely or on-site based on the requirements of their respective departments. Remote interns must have access to a personal computer, reliable internet, and a conducive environment to ensure uninterrupted work.
  3. Travel Responsibilities: On-site interns are responsible for their air travel to and from the Bank’s location, as well as their accommodation expenses.
  4. Visa Assistance: The Bank will make reasonable efforts to aid interns in obtaining entry and residence visas as needed.
  5. Medical Insurance Coverage: Eligible interns will receive medical insurance coverage provided by the Bank throughout the duration of their internship.
  6. Monthly Stipend: Interns meeting the eligibility criteria will receive a monthly stipend for their participation.

Eligibility Criteria:

  1. Age and Enrollment Requirements:
  • Applicants must have reached the age of majority in their country of nationality or origin and must not exceed thirty (30) years of age upon the commencement of the internship program.
  • Enrollment in a master’s level degree program at a recognized public or private educational institution of higher learning is mandatory.
  1. Nationality and Language Proficiency:
  • Candidates are required to be nationals of African Development Bank member countries.
  • Fluency in at least one of the Bank’s two working languages (English or French) is essential.
  • A letter from the applicant’s school confirming enrollment or a copy of the aforementioned degree is necessary.
  1. Technical Skills:
  • Proficiency in the use of standard software packages such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access is required.
  • Familiarity with SAP is considered advantageous.

Strategic Areas of Emphasis:

Aligned with the Bank’s Ten-Year Strategy (TYS) and gender strategy, specific fields and specialized professional domains receive focus. Complementing the Bank’s existing job families, attention centers on the subsequent sectors:

  • Power, Energy, Climate, and Sustainable Development
  • Agriculture, Human Development, and Social Welfare
  • Private Sector Development, Infrastructure, and Industrial Growth
  • Economic Analysis and Data Analytics
  • Governance and Knowledge Administration
  • Financial Operations
  • Legal Affairs
  • Human Capital and Organizational Support: Information Technology, Linguistic Services, General Operations & Procurement, HR Administration
  • Auditing and Anti-Corruption Measures
  • Program Evaluation
  • Outreach and External Communications
  • Public Affairs
  • Gender Equality Initiatives
  • Environmental and Societal Impact Assessment

Application Process:

To be eligible for consideration, candidates must complete an online application and provide a detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) as attachments.

The Bank conducts two internship cycles annually. Selections for the first session of the 2024 Internship Program have concluded, and the chosen interns have begun their tenure. This notice pertains to the second session, scheduled to commence in July 2024.

Information regarding the first session of the 2025 Internship Program will be announced in October 2024, with selected interns beginning their placements in January 2025.

Technical Support for Application Submission

Encountering technical hurdles while submitting your application? Reach out to us for assistance. Please send an email detailing the issue along with any relevant screenshots to: HR Direct at HRDirect@AFDB.ORG

Application Process

  1. Regular Staff Are you presently employed by the African Development Bank as regular staff? If so, click the button below to proceed with applying for this position.

Apply for this position

  1. External Candidates If you’re not currently affiliated with the African Development Bank, including Short Term Staff (STS), Technical Assistants, or Consultants, click the button below to begin your application process.

Apply for this position

To be considered for this position, applicants must hold citizenship in one of the member countries of the AfDB.

Candidates meeting the Bank’s criteria and selected for further evaluation will receive communication. Interested individuals should provide a brief Curriculum Vitae (CV) and any requested supplementary documents. The President of the African Development Bank retains the authority to appoint a candidate at a lower grade. The AfDB is committed to equal opportunities in employment, with a particular encouragement for female applicants. Visit for more information.

Throughout the recruitment process (application, CV review, interview, and final application processing), the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) does not solicit any form of payment from applicants. Furthermore, the Bank does not require details of applicants’ bank accounts. The AfDB Group disclaims any responsibility for fraudulent job postings or the unauthorized use of its name.

“Kindly be aware that the Bank does not permit dual nationality. Hence, you must specify the nationality under which you wish to be considered for employment with the Bank for the duration of your career, if selected. Please upload official Government-issued identification documents, such as a passport, National Identity Card, or Certificate, to support your declaration.”

N.B: Ne payez aucun frais pour obtenir un emploi



  1. J’ai vraiment besoin de ce stage parce que je suis étudiante en comptabilité contrôle et audit. Celui-ci me permettra d’acquérir non seulement les atouts nécessaires à exercer facilement mon futur métier mais aussi à savoir me tenir en milieu professionnel.

  2. Je suis un étudiant de l’Esstic filière archivistiques et record management niveau 2 et je viens auprès de votre haute structure solliciter un stage académique d’une durée de deux mois (Juillet -Août) .

  3. Bonjour monsieur et madame , je suis diplômé en Ressources humaines âgé de 27 ans à la recherche de stage professionnel pour afin de mettre en exercice mes compétences acquises. je reste à votre disposition pour plus d’amples informations.

  4. Bonsoir , j’ai vraiment besoin de ce stage car je suis étudiant en agriculture . Celui ci me permettra d’acquérir de connaissance et aussi à savoir tenir en milieu professionnel.

  5. je suis étudiante en licence 2 de comptabilité_finance , et j’aimerais acquérir des compétences sur le terrain en obtenant un stage pour une période d’un mois ! pourrais je savoir la procédure si possible ?

  6. Bonsoir à vous monsieur ou madame je suis une jeune étudiante au niveau 2 Bioscience je suis âgé de 20 ans et relativement dans notre programme académie nous sommes encourager à faire des stages durant notre parcourt pour toucher du doigt les différents métiers que aimerions faire à l’avenir c’est pourquoi j’ai l’honneur de venir sollicité un stage dans votre structure plus précisément celui de la communication et des relations extérieurs. Dans l’attente d’une suite favorable à ma demande veiller agréer monsieur ou madame l’expression de mon profond respect Merci.

  7. Bonjour M ou Mme, je suis étudiante en master 1 banque et finance et j’ai vraiment besoin de ce stage car au cours de notre parcours académique nous sommes appelé à effectuer des stages ceci dans l’optique de mieux rallier la pratique à la théorie, par conséquent j’aimerai vraiment faire partie de votre équipe qui est si dynamique. Dans l’attente d’une suite favorable veuillez agréer mes cordiales salutations

  8. I am a student in agriculture and I need this internship to better professionalize myself in the field and know how to behave in a professional environment


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