Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeBourses internationalesBourse d’AmériqueAlbert Einstein Fellowship for Talented Young Intellectuals 2024

Albert Einstein Fellowship for Talented Young Intellectuals 2024

The Einstein Forum and the Wittenstein Foundation are offering a fellowship to promising young thinkers who want to pursue a project in a field outside of their previous research. This fellowship seeks to encourage individuals who have demonstrated excellence in their area of expertise but are also open to exploring interdisciplinary approaches. The Albert Einstein Fellowship offers housing, a 10,000 euro stipend, and reimbursement for travel costs. Applications must be submitted by June 1, 2024.

Albert Einstein Fellowship Overview

  • Type: Research Fellowship
  • Duration: 5–6 months
  • Target Group: Open to all nationalities
  • Funding: Fully funded

Fellowship Benefits and amount

The Albert Einstein Fellowship provides a five- to six-month stay in the garden cottage of Einstein’s summer house in Caputh, Brandenburg, which is close to the academic centers in Potsdam and Berlin. Fellows will receive a stipend of 10,000 euros and reimbursement for their travel expenses.

Family members are welcome to accompany the fellow during the fellowship period, but the fellowship will not cover their travel costs.

Qualifications for the Albert Einstein Fellowship

To be considered for the Albert Einstein Fellowship, candidates must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Be younger than 35 years old.
  • Possess a university degree (Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate) in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences.
  • Demonstrate a project characterized by its quality, originality, and feasibility.
  • Provide evidence of advanced intellectual development.

It’s important to note that the proposed project does not have to be completed during the Fellowship period. It can serve as the initial phase of a larger endeavor.

Application Process

To apply for the fellowship, please submit the following documents in English to

  • Your curriculum vitae (CV)
  • A two-page project proposal outlining your research or creative endeavor
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals who can attest to your academic or professional capabilities

The application deadline is June 1, 2024. All applicants should be proficient in English, although TOEFL/IELTS scores are not mandatory.

Fellowship Expectations

Upon completion of the Fellowship period, the fellow will be expected to present their project at a public lecture hosted by the Einstein Forum and the Wittenstein Foundation.

Additional Information

For any inquiries regarding the application process or the fellowship itself, please contact



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