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HomeBourses internationalesBourse d’AmériqueColombian Government Scholarship 2024/2025

Colombian Government Scholarship 2024/2025

Colombian Government Scholarship Program for Foreign Students 2024/2025.

The Colombian government scholarship program is currently accepting applications for the academic year 2024-2025. This initiative targets international students interested in undertaking Master’s, Professional Master’s (specialization), PhD programs, or a Spanish language course in Colombia. Interested candidates can apply until June 9, 2024, through the official application process.

Scholarship summary

  • Education Level: Master’s, Specialized Master’s, PhD, Spanish Course.
  • Application Deadline: June 9, 2024.
  • Eligibility: Open to applicants of all nationalities.
  • Financial Support: Full coverage of expenses.

The Colombian government scholarship provides various benefits to its recipients:

  • A Spanish language course spanning up to 6 months for applicants from non-Spanish-speaking nations.
  • Full coverage of tuition fees.
  • A monthly stipend equivalent to three times the minimum wage (232 USD).
  • Courtesy visa fees for Type “V” (visitor) visas.
  • An initial installation allowance of 129 USD at the commencement of the academic program.
  • Financial assistance of 64 USD designated for the issuance of the Foreigner’s Identity Card.
  • An annual allocation of 129 USD for the acquisition of books and educational materials.
  • Comprehensive medical and hospital coverage within Colombia, encompassing repatriation services in the event of disability or demise.

The duration of the scholarship varies by category:

  • Spanish Language Enhancement: Up to 6 months
  • Specialization Programs: Up to 18 months (equivalent to 3 academic semesters)
  • Master’s Programs: Up to 24 months (equivalent to 4 academic semesters)
  • Doctoral Programs: Up to 48 months (equivalent to 8 academic semesters)

Eligibility Requirements

To qualify for the Colombian government scholarship, applicants must satisfy the following conditions:

  1. Possess a professional degree, undergraduate diploma, or bachelor’s degree in any field of study.
  2. Attain a cumulative general average equivalent to at least 4.0 on the Colombian grading scale.
  3. Hold foreign citizenship; individuals with dual nationality must not possess Colombian citizenship.
  4. Have not resided in Colombian territory, nor currently reside there, for the six months preceding the scholarship application.
  5. Maintain no marital or de facto unions in Colombia.
  6. Be under 50 years of age at the time of application.
  7. Have not previously received a scholarship from the Colombian government.
  8. Obtain a certified declaration of good physical and mental health from a medical professional.

Program Directory

The 2024 academic program directory features a comprehensive compilation of programs available at Colombian universities or educational institutions participating in the foreign scholarship program in Colombia.
This directory provides details of available positions for each program listed.
You can access the Colombian government scholarship program directory by downloading the document from this link (Microsoft Excel format).

Application Process

Foreign applicants are required to submit their applications for the Colombian government scholarship program through the following link: https://internacionalizacion.icetex .

Prior to applying, candidates must secure definitive admission to a maximum of three postgraduate programs listed in the 2024 Academic Offering Catalog.

For further information, please review the Application Rules (PDF) or visit the official website.

Click here to Apply 

Oficial websiteSource

Click here for more scholarships opportunities

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