Friday, July 26, 2024
HomeBourses d'étudesScholarships to islamic university of IUT Dhaka, Bangladesh 2022

Scholarships to islamic university of IUT Dhaka, Bangladesh 2022

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The Minister of Higher Education announces to prospective and interested candidates that the Islamic University of Technology (IUT) Dhaka, Bangladesh, under the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), is offering a number of scholarships for the 2022 academic year.
Bourses d’études à l’Université islamique de technologie (IUT) de Dhaka, Bangladesh, dans le cadre de l’Organisation de coopération islamique (OCI)
Le ministre de l’enseignement supérieur annonce aux candidats potentiels et intéressés que l’Université islamique de technologie (IUT) de Dhaka, Bangladesh, sous l’Organisation de coopération islamique (OCI), offre un certain nombre de bourses pour les 2022 année universitaire.
This offer is open to young Cameroonian Muslims of both sexes for the undergraduate and post-graduate levels in the following specialties :

I- Bachelor of Science (4 years program) in

(ii) Electrical and Electronic Engineering;
(iv) Civil Engineering (without scholarship);
(v) Software Engineering (without scholarship);
vi) Business Administration in Technology Management (without scholarship).

II-Post-graduate programs in Engineering (self-financed)

a) Doctor of Philosophy in
(ii) Electrical and Electronic Engineering;
iii) Computer Science and Engineering.
i) Mechanical Engineering;
(iii) Computer Science and, Engineering ;
(iv) Civil Engineering.

III- Technical Education Programmes

c) Bachelor of Science in Technical Education ;
d) Diploma on Technical Education

The Minister of Higher Education announces to prospective and interested candidates that the Islamic University of Technology (IUT) Dhaka, Bangladesh, under the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), is offering a number of scholarships for the 2022 academic year.The Minister of Higher Education announces to prospective and interested candidates that the Islamic University of Technology (IUT) Dhaka, Bangladesh, under the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), is offering a number of scholarships for the 2022 academic year.



  1. Bjr s’il vous plaît j’ai quelques questions concernant la bourse de Bangladesh.
    – On doit avoir un passeport pour le concours ? Si oui comment faire un passeport ? Et à combien ?
    – Comment traduire les documents en anglais ?


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