Ouverture des tests de recrutement de cinquante (150) Auditeurs Libres du cycle III dans les Centres Nationaux de Formation zootechnique et Vétérinaire de Maroua, Foumban et Jakiri de l’année de formation 2023/2024
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Concours de 150 Auditeurs libres dans les CNFZV 2023/2024
Article 1 (lst Article): (1) This order launches the recruitment examination · a and
fifty (150) candidates into Cycle III of the National Centres for Animal Husbandry and
Veterinary Training of Maroua, Foumban and Jakiri for the training year 2023/2024.
(2) The written and oral sessions of the exam will hold on September 09th and lOth 2023,
in the examination centres of Bafoussam, Bamenda, Maroua, and Yaounde.
Article 2: (1) Any Cameroonian who meets the following conditions may apply:
External candidates
- Bolder of a Secondary School Certificate (Baccalauréat) or a GCE A/L in at least two
subjects excluding Religion or candidates awaiting results;
Internal candidates (for Agro Pastoral Adviser option only)
- Be a MINEPIA staff holding either a Cycle II diploma from any of the MINEPIA schools
or a GCE A-Level Certificate in at least two subjects excluding Religion (or Baccalauréat Certificate) or an equivalent diploma and having at least five (05) years of working experience as of January 1st 2023.
Professional candidates (non civil servants)
- Be a Livestock Technician, a Veterinary Nurse, a fisheries technician or an Aquaculture
Tecbnician from the National Centres for Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Training or an equivalent diploma.
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