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HomeBourses internationalesBourse d’AmériqueSTUDY IN USA: University Of Pittsburg Heinz Fellowship 2024

STUDY IN USA: University Of Pittsburg Heinz Fellowship 2024

STUDY IN USA: University Of Pittsburg Heinz Fellowship 2024/2025 For Masters Students In Africa

Heinz Fellowship 2024/2025 for Master’s Students in Africa at the University of Pittsburgh. Please proceed with your application below.

Application Timeline:

Deadline for Master’s program applications: Candidates are advised to ascertain the deadline for the respective school and academic year to which they intend to apply.

May: Notification to the selected candidate August 1: Commencement of the Fellowship year

June 30: Conclusion of the Fellowship year.

Offered annually? Yes

Eligible Countries: Nations within Africa

To be taken at (country): United States

Brief description:

The Global Studies Center (GSC) at the University of Pittsburgh is extending fellowship opportunities to individuals from developing countries who exhibit the potential to emerge as future leaders in the public, governmental, non-profit, or private sectors.

About the Award

Heinz Fellowships are awarded to individuals from developing countries who exhibit the potential to emerge as future leaders in the public, governmental, non-profit, or private sectors. The aim is to enhance, early in one’s career, a Fellow’s ability to contribute to the development of their country and to deepen their comprehension of the U.S. The Fellowship has undergone restructuring starting from the academic year 2012-13 to align with specific Master’s programs offered by Pitt professional schools. The GSC no longer directly accepts Heinz applications. Individuals interested in applying for the Fellowship are encouraged to contact the professional school to which they have applied after receiving their acceptance.

Eligible Field of Study

University of Pittsburgh professional schools eligible for potential Heinz support include the Graduate School of Public Health (GSPH), the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA), the School of Law, and the School of Nursing.

  1. Eligibility:1.1 The Heinz Fellowship competition is open to individuals from developing countries who, early in their careers, demonstrate a strong track record indicating potential for leadership and success in business, government, public services, or other relevant professions. Applicants must have received acceptance into a Master’s program at the GSPH, GSPIA, or the School of Nursing for the academic year they are seeking the Heinz Fellowship.

    1.2 Applicants must hold a completed university degree.

    1.3 Proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing English is a requirement for applicants.

    1.4 Preference will be given to applicants in the early or mid-stages of their careers.

    1.5 The Fellowship is designed for individuals in the practitioner and policy domains and is not awarded for basic academic research, academic sabbaticals, or medical research.

  2. Selection Criteria:2.1 During the residency, the Fellow is expected to deliver at least one presentation on a topic related to their professional experience to University members. Additionally, the Fellow is strongly encouraged to engage in community outreach activities by lecturing about their home country to high school students or interested adults in the region.

    2.2 Acceptance of the grant by the candidate establishes an agreement between the grantee and the University. Grantees are expected to stay for the full tenure of the award, barring unforeseen emergencies. A grantee leaving the U.S. or terminating the grant earlier than specified without the University’s consent will be required to reimburse any expenditures made on their behalf.

    2.3 Upon completion of the Heinz Fellowship program, Fellows must submit a final report detailing and evaluating their activities and experiences during the Fellowship, along with plans for applying the Fellowship upon return to their home country. These reports are distributed to program officials at the University of Pittsburgh and representatives at the H.J. Heinz Company Foundation, serving as references for incoming Fellowship recipients. After acceptance of their final report, Fellows will receive a Heinz Program certificate from the UCIS.

Number of Awardees: Not specified

  1. Duration of Scholarship:1.1 The scholarship provides support for a duration of one (1) to two (2) years.

    1.2 The value of the scholarship includes a living stipend of $19,200, paid in monthly installments, and a $1,000 program and professional activities fund.

  2. How to Apply:2.1 Candidates should express their interest in being considered for the Heinz Fellows Program while submitting their Master’s program application.

    2.2 Upon acceptance, candidates interested in applying for the Fellowship should contact the professional school to which they applied. University of Pittsburgh professional schools eligible for potential Heinz support include the Graduate School of Public Health (GSPH), the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA), the School of Law, and the School of Nursing.

Award Provider: University Center for International Studies (UCIS) at the University of Pittsburgh

Important Notes:

  1. Candidates should be aware that if they come from a country without a tax treaty with the U.S., they are required to pay U.S. taxes amounting to 14% of the stipend.
  2. The scholarship does not cover transportation costs, living or other allowances, services, or insurance funds for dependents, regardless of their accompanying status.

Visit Scholarship website for details

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