Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships 2021
Applications for Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships 2021 are now open. Click on your preferred subject area below to apply:
Application Deadline: 10th June 2021 at 15:00 UTC
Eligible Countries: Commonwealth countries
About the Award: Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships give talented students from anywhere in the Commonwealth the opportunity to gain a Master’s degree, while developing new skills, experiencing life in another country, and building their global networks.
Join more than 35,000 individuals who have benefitted from the life-changing opportunities a Commonwealth Scholarship offers and contribute to the development of the future Commonwealth.
The following countries will be hosting a QECS award:
- Sri Lanka
- South Africa
- Namibia
- South Pacific
- Papua New Guinea
Type: Master’s
Eligibility: Citizens (or those who hold refugee status) in a Commonwealth country are welcome to apply.
Number of Awards: 9
Value of Award: Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships offer a life-changing opportunity for cultural exchange and academic collaboration in unique environments across the globe
Award allowances include:
- Fully-funded tuition fees
- Living expenses (stipend) for duration of award
- Return economy flight
- One-off arrival allowance
- Research support grant (on request)
Duration of Programme: 2 years
How to Apply: Click on your preferred country below to apply
The University of the South Pacific (USP)
Entry requirements
- See university website for individual course requirements.
- Contact: international@usp.ac.fj
Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea University of Technology
Contact: pamela.dubaba@pnguot.ac.pg
South Africa
Entry requirements
*Physics, chemistry and maths required.
Applicants are required to submit a university application at the same time as their scholarship application.
Contact: HigherDegree-Enquiries@nwu.ac.za
All Faculties, full-time two-year Masters courses at Rhodes University, Makhanda.
Entry requirements
Honours degree or equivalent.
Applicants are required to submit a university application at the same time as their scholarship application.
Contact: registrar@ru.ac.za
Applicants are required to submit a university application at the same time as their scholarship application.
Entry requirements
Refer to the Stellenbosch University website.
Contact: postgraduate@sun.ac.za
Courses available on UP’s website.
Applicants are required to submit a university application before their scholarship application.
Entry requirements
Honours degree or equivalent.
Contact information found on UP’s website under each faculty.
Minimum 60% average at Honours level for admission in Masters degree.
Contact: research@univen.ac.za
Sri Lanka
Entry requirements
Applicant must be graduates in subjects relating to biology, medicine (western), dentistry, veterinary science or agricultural sciences.
Contact: info@ibmbb.cmb.ac.lk
University of Sri Jayewardenepura Sri Lanka (USJ)
Applicants are required to submit a university application at the same time as their scholarship application, as well as an online selection test. There may be a cost associated with this test. Contact USJ for more information.
Entry requirements
Bachelor’s degree and three years of managerial experience.
Contact: admin@pim.sjp.ac.lk
Visit Programme Webpage for Details
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